Been reading the very popular book, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. While it took me a few chapters to get hooked, I'm inspired. Her beautiful depiction of God's truths have me thinking about gratitude, change and yes, doors. She nestled a nugget inside of chapter 3 that struck me...
"Sometimes you don't know when you are taking the first step through a door until you're already inside." - Ann Voskamp
So many times in my life I've experienced this. At times it was the obvious doors you walk through of life's transition. There are children becoming young adults, college students becoming husbands and wives. Then of course come the stages of graduating from the world of having babies to raising school aged kids... but what really struck me about this quote was the spiritual doors we walk through.
For me it seems I don't know I'm walking into another space until I look back and see that hey, everything has changed! Many times this takes the shape of changes in me as a person that I wasn't intending or purposefully making. It seems that while I was praying for things God was working on me quietly.
These doors rarely squeaked loudly open... it's been more like a gradual soft swing.The Lord is like that, tender with his work. He's the same with pruning and trimming. Snip, snip he goes with his shears cutting out the dead dying parts to make way for new growth. Some days we feel it more than others but it is always intentional, purposeful and gradual.
Today I'm thankful for his green thumb in my life. Without God I know I'd be so lopsided and lost ... walking in all the wrong doorways.
Florida Oranges painted for the Fruits Of The Spirit series
Another painting completed today for the Fruits Of The Spirit series I'm creating. This series has been commissioned by the beautiful Lefler family. Thought it would be fun for our RagTag Ruby fans to help us decide which fruit says which spirit.
So far I have the following fruits painted:
Oranges Strawberries Apples Pears Blueberries Lemons Tomatoes Pomegranates
We could use your help matching the paintings up with the following fruits of the Spirit:
Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self Control
Additionally if you think of any fruits that especially conjure up particular Fruits Of The Spirit let me know! We discussed painting some biblical fruits but dates and figs look too creepy to me. I'm thinking grapes or olives next!
Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have budded, if their blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates are in bloom— there I will give you my love.
Vintage & Upcycled Art and Accessories At RagTag Rubies You’ll find everything recreated for yourself and your home ... from game boards to scrapbooks, vintage windows to wall art, grocery sacks to greeting cards and junk to jewelry... all previously used items lovingly turned into whimsical unique gifts.