Today was GLORIOUS in the land of junk!! Scored tons of new old stuff that we can't wait to RE-DO just for you!! AND can't wait for the next show so we can show off our bottle-cap dispay on that GINORMOUS old hamster wheel, er, rat wheel?....ANYWAY, good scores for us mean good scores for you.....
It was great to see you in Mt. Dora at the Craft and Antique show, couldn't believe it when I saw you across from us again (Oviedo - Great Day was the first show), you guys are always so much fun and it is always great visiting and catching up with you. Can't wait to see you at the next show and hope we're neighbors again.
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Vintage & Upcycled Art and Accessories At RagTag Rubies You’ll find everything recreated for yourself and your home ... from game boards to scrapbooks, vintage windows to wall art, grocery sacks to greeting cards and junk to jewelry... all previously used items lovingly turned into whimsical unique gifts.